Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Zodiac History News! (6th Post)

In this blog, you will learn about that you wouldn’t of ever thought would be true to history. Back in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan was almost assassinated by John Hinckley. Reagan’s wife, Nacy Reagan, was scared of his life being shut down again by any one. She wanted to keep her husband safe from any harm that were to come to him. Nacy learned about an astrologer named Joan Quigley who predicted that on March 31 would be a bad day for the president. She called her up and told her about her fears and her husband’s safety. In history, this was the first calls between the First Lady and the astrologer. They became good friends and would tell Nacy what days were best for the president to show up in public and which days weren’t good to show up. Ronald Reagan listened to his wife on everything that she had learned from Joan Quigley, he even would color coorinate his calender on which days were bad to show up in public and which days to do show up in public. “Joan Quigley wasn’t the first astrologer consulted by the Reagans” (Royer, 10). The Reagans were known to be leaders that seek wisdom and advice from the stars. Back in the day, rulers have always been fond by astologers and what the stars say about their past, present, and future that was awaiting them. Astrologers were an important part of rulers lives when it came to what might or will happen to them and to listen to them. Even nowadays, everyone is inspired by astrology and what they predict about the near future was going to be like.


  1. I never knew that Ronald Reagan and his wife believed in that sort of thing and i found it very interesting. I also liked your blog because it was interesting and was easy to follow. good job:D

  2. Thanks Jason! Yeah, I didn't know that they would be into that sort of thing either but you sure can't always get that kind of information from the internet unless you looked really hard into it. (:
