Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Last Post Forever!...Maybe..

This will be my last post forever since it’s just a project I had to do for this class. The things I have learned in this project was that there’s a difference between your Sun sign and your Moon sign and that they are like the same thing but only different because one will say the sign and the other explains your sign and what it does and its personality. Another thing I’ve learned was that there’s a difference between a female zodiac sign and a male zodiac sign because one is suppose to be “manly” for the males and the other is suppose to be “feminine” for the females. I’ve learned that Ronald Reagan’s wife was into the whole Zodiac thing and that she was afraid for her husband’s life that she actually called up a few astrologers to find out if Reagan is going to be safe on certain days or if it’s going to be too dangerous or risky for him to go out. I’m surprised that Reagan actually listened to his wife about which days he should go out and be a “President” or to stay home and be a husband. I’ve also learned that there was a new sign added to the Zodiac family and learned about it and what it was, which I thought was pretty cool knowing there’s been another Zodiac sign that’s been hidden from us this whole time we’ve been living here. I didn’t actually find anything difficult about this activity but that it was hard to just find pictures that were good enough for my blogs and that would look good with everything that I’ve posted on my blogs. I’m actually surprised to say this but I’m going to miss posting these because I love learning new things on the internet. I will still of course look up stuff about random things just like I did with my Zodiac blogs but I will still miss how I am sitting next to my friends and everyone in this class. I know I might have missed a few posts but I still had fun looking up things about my subject I’ve been working on this semester. I might come back and do more blogs but that would be really rare for even me to do even though it wouldn’t be for a grade but still would be kind of annoying to do. The subject for this project was really interesting to me because I’ve always been into the whole stars and galaxy stuff and learning new things also. Zodiac signs will still be in my life I think because I always look at mine everyday to see what it will say about me today or the next and so on and so forth. Zodiac signs will always affect me even though it may not be true but I know deep down in my heart that it is always going to be with me everywhere I go and everything that I do.

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