Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Last Post Forever!...Maybe..

This will be my last post forever since it’s just a project I had to do for this class. The things I have learned in this project was that there’s a difference between your Sun sign and your Moon sign and that they are like the same thing but only different because one will say the sign and the other explains your sign and what it does and its personality. Another thing I’ve learned was that there’s a difference between a female zodiac sign and a male zodiac sign because one is suppose to be “manly” for the males and the other is suppose to be “feminine” for the females. I’ve learned that Ronald Reagan’s wife was into the whole Zodiac thing and that she was afraid for her husband’s life that she actually called up a few astrologers to find out if Reagan is going to be safe on certain days or if it’s going to be too dangerous or risky for him to go out. I’m surprised that Reagan actually listened to his wife about which days he should go out and be a “President” or to stay home and be a husband. I’ve also learned that there was a new sign added to the Zodiac family and learned about it and what it was, which I thought was pretty cool knowing there’s been another Zodiac sign that’s been hidden from us this whole time we’ve been living here. I didn’t actually find anything difficult about this activity but that it was hard to just find pictures that were good enough for my blogs and that would look good with everything that I’ve posted on my blogs. I’m actually surprised to say this but I’m going to miss posting these because I love learning new things on the internet. I will still of course look up stuff about random things just like I did with my Zodiac blogs but I will still miss how I am sitting next to my friends and everyone in this class. I know I might have missed a few posts but I still had fun looking up things about my subject I’ve been working on this semester. I might come back and do more blogs but that would be really rare for even me to do even though it wouldn’t be for a grade but still would be kind of annoying to do. The subject for this project was really interesting to me because I’ve always been into the whole stars and galaxy stuff and learning new things also. Zodiac signs will still be in my life I think because I always look at mine everyday to see what it will say about me today or the next and so on and so forth. Zodiac signs will always affect me even though it may not be true but I know deep down in my heart that it is always going to be with me everywhere I go and everything that I do.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Top 5 Things I Cannot Live Without

I’m going to be talking about my top 5 things I can’t live without to do on my free time when I’m NOT in school.
1.       Video games. I love playing video games because its been my life really. I started playing video games when I was around the age of 6 and my first console was a Play Station, yes the first one. After a few years it would upgrade like to Play Station 2, than to computers, and at last the Xbox 360. Video games in general is my life and can’t live without my games. They were always there to comfort me since I lived without a mother and a father who had to work a lot to keep a house over my head and food on the table.
2.       Friends. My friends have been with me and been there FOR me for years. They always had my back and always cared about how I felt and would always try and cheer me up if I was ever down. I was and still am always there for my friends as they are to me. They are my everything and don’t want to live without them. My best friend has been with me ever since I was in 5th grade and can’t stand to even fight or do anything mean to her. She kept myself balanced and up and well-being. I love her and trust her with my life.
3.       Cell Phone. Ever since I got my first cell phone, I always relyed on it for a lot of things in life. It protected me from a lot of stuff that could have happened to me if I didn’t have it. Cell phones may not be really good to a 5th grader but it sure did help me a lot in life. I’ve been in situations where I could have died or been lost “forever”. I feel so unsafe without it and so naked that I will never leave my house until I had my cell phone handed back to me. Cell phones really are important to our lives even though it gives off radation that can hurt us, but still worth it to save a life.
4.       Family. The only family I have is my dad and my little brother. They were always there for me whenever I needed them most. I cannot live without them. Everyone of my family members don’t care to send a message, call, or even write to me nor dad and brother. They totally and completely forgotten about us and I have never even heard from them in 3 years. I’m turning 18 this year and I don’t think any of them even knows that.
5.       Pets. My pets are my world to me and I love them so much. They were always there for me when I was alone at home and needed somebody or something to hold onto and just cry. They were my shoulder I could cry on with anything I had a problem with without them push me away or even judge me. They were my stuff animal I could talk to and hold whenever I needed them most. And believe me I went through a lot more with them than anything else on this top 5 list. I love them so dearly and will miss them when they soon leave me behide.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Comparing Male and Female Horoscopes (8th Post)

Male and Female Horoscopes are almost the same kind of meaning but guys of course have that “manliness” to it and girls have it more nurturing and just “woman” like. I will post some things that will sum up each signs sex. The one I actually looked into is a male Libra and a female Libra.

Male-Libras: is a type that balances between the light and darkness of things. They are the kinds of people that will be more into the whole karma and maintaining social harmony.

Female-Libras: are the kind that will most likely take leadership in what they do but also try to balance the life of their love one and everything around them. They are the ones that stay calm usually and will use their intellect against or for you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Zodiac Interview (7th Post) (Not finished!!)

In this blog, I have interviewed one of my good friends, Shane and have asked him some questions with replies with having to do with the Zodiac topic.
1.       What’s your sign?

2.       Who are you most attracted to?

3.       Who are you least attracted to?

4.       What’s the characteristics of your sign and which ones match who you are?

5.       What’s your sign’s element?

6.       Do you read your daily horoscopes everyday and do they usually come true? Explain what might be said so our audience will understand.

7.       What is your opinion on horoscopes? Do you think they are 100% true, 90%? Do you think they are accurate?

8.       Have you considered trying to “date” your signs attraction to see if they do come true?

9.       When your sign kind of changed, did you connect to the other one too and accepted both are your signs? What is your opinion on the new changes for this year for horoscopes?

10.   If you could be any sign, which would you choose and why?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Zodiac History News! (6th Post)

In this blog, you will learn about that you wouldn’t of ever thought would be true to history. Back in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan was almost assassinated by John Hinckley. Reagan’s wife, Nacy Reagan, was scared of his life being shut down again by any one. She wanted to keep her husband safe from any harm that were to come to him. Nacy learned about an astrologer named Joan Quigley who predicted that on March 31 would be a bad day for the president. She called her up and told her about her fears and her husband’s safety. In history, this was the first calls between the First Lady and the astrologer. They became good friends and would tell Nacy what days were best for the president to show up in public and which days weren’t good to show up. Ronald Reagan listened to his wife on everything that she had learned from Joan Quigley, he even would color coorinate his calender on which days were bad to show up in public and which days to do show up in public. “Joan Quigley wasn’t the first astrologer consulted by the Reagans” (Royer, 10). The Reagans were known to be leaders that seek wisdom and advice from the stars. Back in the day, rulers have always been fond by astologers and what the stars say about their past, present, and future that was awaiting them. Astrologers were an important part of rulers lives when it came to what might or will happen to them and to listen to them. Even nowadays, everyone is inspired by astrology and what they predict about the near future was going to be like.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to find out your Moon and Sun Signs (4th Post)

This blog is going to be about How to figure out your Moon and your Sun signs. A Sun sign is about your essential self and is easier to find out. All you have to do is know your birth date. A Moon sign is about your emotional and inner self, which has to do with that part of you that responds to habits, your psychic or instinctual feelings and your emotions. Normally the Moon sign is the hardest to find out that close enough to how you really are like. Usually when people find out their Sun and Moon signs, usually can improve, help out, and also get you to know something about yourself that you didn’t know, especially with how you work, what your strengths are and what you need to work on. Can also improve and help your relationships as you will be able to find out the compatibility issues between yourself, friends and lovers. To figure out how to find out your Sun sign here is what I mean about finding it.
Aries: March 21st – April 20th
Taurus: April 21st – May 22nd
Gemini: May 23rd – June 23rd
Cancer :June 23rd – July 22nd
Leo: July 23rd – August 23rd
Virgo: August 24th – September 23rd
Libra: September 24th – October 23rd
Scorpio: October 24th – November 22nd
Sagittarius: November 23rd – December 21st
Capricorn: December 22nd – January 20th
Aquarius: January 20th – February 19th
Pisces: February 20th – March 21st

To find out your Moon sign is to look up your Sun sign. On this website I am using as a reference sheet is, (, there is a site that she uses as a good example to find out your Moon sign is on a site called Lunarium and says its actually kind of reliable or you can also grab a book from a book store on Astrology and get the old fashion way of learning about your Moon sign. All this information I have given you can help you and also find out what your Sun and Moon signs are and hope that what I have given you is helpful in any way possible. (:
(By the way, all this information isn't actually by me its by the website I have given you but in a shorter way of reading it.)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Zodiac News! (3rd Post)

The up to date news on Zodiac signs is that in this year of 2011, most of them all have changed and there has been a new sign that is called Ophiuchus. The sign represents a snake holder. There isn’t much information on this “new” sign but there’s information on the sign’s being moved around in the horoscope. The new order for the horoscope is Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, and Sagittarius.

The new dates for each signs are:
Capricorn--Jan. 20-Feb. 16
Aquarius--Feb. 16-March 11
Pisces--March 11-April 18
Aries--April 18-May 13
Taurus--May 13-June 21
Gemini--June 21-July 20
Cancer--July 20-Aug. 10
Leo--Aug. 10-Sept. 16
Virgo--Sept. 16-Oct. 30
Libra--Oct. 30-Nov. 23
Scorpio--Nov. 23-29
Ophiuchus--Nov. 29-Dec. 17.
Sagittarius--Dec. 17-Jan. 20

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Zodiac Signs with Interest (1st Post)

Zodiac signs have always got my interest with everything from what they are to what they can tell you about yourself that you sometimes didn’t know you were like. There are a bunch of sites that do have different types of information on what your dailies are (which means that you can look up your Zodiac sign and see what you might actually do today, what you could do today, and what might be best for you to do.) You can learn so much about your sign that normally is really accurate with what and who you are in person, what you are normally into, and what you might not like to do. They can sometimes be so accurate that they can be creepy and might think someone is watching you when really no one is. What I will be talking about with Zodiac signs is what their history is like and when they became, I’ll also talk about the new changes with this year’s Zodiac signs and the new Zodiac sign that might interest everyone. One Zodiac sign I will talk about since I know so much about is a Libra, they are one of the most energetic, outgoing, and creative of all the signs. Libras are into trying to keep others happy, doing something that shows off their creativity, and are good with coming up with ideas most of the time.  Their element is air and is good with inner peace, being stabled (sometimes), and they are one of the types that don’t normally get angry fast since they “blow” things off. Libras are normally the types that are caring, very loving, and know how to cheer people up when they others are in a bad mood or not feeling so well. They do tend to over think themselves but they are just good at what they do and they know it. This Zodiac sign of mine is very much just like me and I feel proud of it because they are of course intelligent and wise when it comes to serious times and that’s just like me too.
Naruto Star Sign